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DataMark Joins iCERT

Leading NG9-1-1 GIS Organization - Division of Michael Baker International

August 16, 2021

iCERT Members and Friends, please join me in welcoming Robert Murphy and DataMark as the newest iCERT Members.

As an introduction, DataMark is a leader in NG9-1-1 GIS providing cloud native GIS data management solutions to support local, regional and state transitions to NG9-1-1. Our software solution, VEP, provides the user with an easy-to-use intuitive tool to create and manage GIS and legacy public safety data. DATAMARK offers a full suite of GIS services to include; Strategic Planning, data creation, data remediation, data maintenance, boundary facilitation, and reconciliation.

Through iCERT membership, DataMark expects to increase our knowledge of advancing technologies within the public safety sector and to increase brand awareness to key initiatives and partnerships affecting NG9-1-1.

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