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iCERT at Kenya Trade Mission Meeting

iCERT represented by Winbourne Consulting will appear on a panel at the Kenya Emergency Communication Reverse Trade Mission - May 14, 2019- in D.C.

Background - The visit occurs as the Government of Kenya seeks to upgrade the country’s emergency communications systems and improve responses to natural disasters in remote areas. In 2018, several areas throughout Kenya, including Nairobi, experienced severe flooding, displacing households, damaging roads and bridges, preventing or limiting humanitarian access to many of the affected areas, cutting off people’s access to markets in multiple locations, displacing at least 244,407 people (45,219 households) and causing more than 80 deaths. The country struggles to provide its citizens with basic emergency services, leaving much of its population without access to timely and often life-saving assistance.

The Government of Kenya (GoK), through the National Disaster Operations Centre (NDOC) within the Ministry of Interior, has been working to address shortfalls in its emergency management response systems. GoK plans to invest in a number of projects to upgrade its emergency management systems to improve responsiveness to national disasters and emergencies including monitoring, coordinating, and mobilizing resources to respond to disasters. The GoK is also prioritizing the development and procurement of additional emergency communications systems which use technology to coordinate efforts between multiple agencies such as police, fire, health, and public utilities.

Tuatara Group is organizing the Reverse Trade Mission on behalf of USTDA. For more information about meeting with the delegation or attending the business briefing, contact

Pamela Peseux


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