Public Safety Communications Interoperability (PSCI)
Co-Chair - Ray Paddock, Vice President, Business Development - Synergem Technologies, Inc. Co-Chair - Al Brisard, President & CEO - Exacom
The fast moving nature of this topic has caused this Working Group to evolve repeatedly and rapidly. In the beginning, the primary function of this Working Group was to examine relevant issues and recommend for iCERT's consideration and/or action, parameters for establishing an official Industry Council program and related positions on conformance issues associated with NG911 technologies as a key factor in the emergency calling and response continuum, in relation to established and/or yet-to-be-formed standards for delivery of NG911 services, systems and networks. This Working Group has no formal approval role. ​ In practice, these responsibilities are carried out by performing the following functions: Reviewing accepted and burgeoning standards and practices in NG911 technology; Working with a standards development organization to provide industry input and guidance for establishing a conformance program in partnership with a recognized authority; and Recommending any necessary commensurate actions to the iCERT Policy Committee. ​ [February 2021 Update] The PSCI Working Group currently has 19 members representing 14 different iCERT member companies. The WG has drafted two white papers covering iCERT’s position on NG9-1-1 testing in general and conformance testing in particular. These two papers have been cited extensively in many industry forums. Since the release of the papers, the WG has take a a more proactive stance in several industry forums representing all members of iCERT. ​ The PSCI WG hosts the iCERT representative to the NG9-1-1 Interoperability Oversight Commission (NIOC), https://ng911ioc.org/. As its name implies, the NIOC puts focus on a broad range of topics impacting the interoperability within and between NG9-1-1 systems.  Most recently, in collaboration with NENA, an RFP was released to implement a National Forrest Guide. A evaluation committee was formed to evaluate vendor responses and will be making a recommendation to the NIOC at which point the NIOC will vote on the recommendation. This selection process parallels the process previously used to select the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) which can be found on the NIOC website. ​ This Working group has now taken on additional responsibilities in supporting iCERT's Representation on the NENA NG911 Interoperability Oversight Commission [https://www.theindustrycouncil.org/post/nena-oversight-commission-established ]   iCERT’s representative to the NIOC, Jeff Wittek, Motorola Solutions, will participate in the process.  ​ The PSCI WG also hosts iCERTs representatives to the Industry Collaboration Events (ICE) steering committee. ICE provides a venue for NG9-1-1 vendors, and for the first time OSPs to test NG9-1-1 interoperability. iCERT member companies are participating in ICE 9 which is occurring now. To provide vendor feedback to the ICE steering committee, an anonymous survey went out to all members including those that have, and those that have not participated in ICE. ​ ​The PSCI also coordinates and supports the two voting Representatives that work for iCERT on the NENA ICE Steering Committee [https://www.nena.org/page/NG911_ICE].  Questions or comments related to ICE should be sent to your representatives; Jeanna Greene, T-Mobile, and Erik Loberg, GeoComm. ​ iCERT members are well represented on a project funded by DHS to explore the idea of a NG9-1-1 Conformance testing program. The principal Investigator is Walt Magnussen at Texas A&M University. His deliverable to DHS is an assessment of a NG9-1-1 testing program from both a technical and financial perspective. Walt will be releasing a draft of the assessment to all participants including iCERT’s representatives. Any comments or questions can be directed to your four representatives to the project; Al, Brisard, Exacom.com, Mike Hooker, T-Mobile, Brian Anderson, Avaya.com, and Jeff Torres, Verizon Wireless.
iCERT hosted a panel on these and other topics at National NENA 2021. Link