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iCERT Membership & Deltek Terms and Conditions


Membership dues are U.S. Dollars only.  Dues are not offset or reduced by member activity or in-kind contribution.  Membership category / dues level is calculated based on TOTAL company (legal entity applying for membership) revenue.  General Membership duration and renewal are set to an "anniversary" basis, 12-months after first joining. General Members join via application. New Board Members join via application and then election by the iCERT Membership. Officer Positions are via election by the Board of Directors. Election to and duration of Board of Directors Memberships and Officer positions are explained in our Bylaws and are subject to change.  Dues are not refunded for subsequent company mergers / acquisitions, membership level changes, voluntary or involuntary membership termination, or any other membership or dues changes.  Any member paying dues paid via credit card agrees to incur a 2.99% Convenience Fee; ACH, a 1% Convenience Fee.  Upon request / approval, dues may be paid monthly or quarterly (additional 3% Convenience Fee applies).   


Past due invoice may result in membership termination without prior notice.  Membership dues do not include additional events for which an attendance fee is required, special event or program sponsorship, or additional / optional elective products or services.  Failure to pay any such additional sponsorship or fees will result in termination of event attendance / elective product or service. Member's failure to attend a voluntary or optional event (fee or not), or use a voluntary or optional service (fee or not), will not result in fee rebate (if paid) or dues rebate. Events cancelled by the event host (not iCERT) will not result in a fee rebate. 


Membership applies to an organization (except Entrepreneur and Associate).  Members in the Entrepreneur category will be firms with no employees other than the owner-operator).  Consistent with policies established in the sole discretion of iCERT, individuals formerly employed by a member may continue to receive limited free membership benefits during periods of unemployment.    All individuals in a member company share the membership; however, for voting on each/any separate organizational level (ex., Board, Executive Committee, Committee, Working Group, etc.), each member company may have only one "Designated Representative" (who votes for the member company) and one "Alternative Representative" (who votes in the absence of the Designated Representative) (i.e., only one vote per member company).


All members (upon membership and in perpetuity after membership) agree that any and all of their contribution(s) to iCERT through membership of any kind or type, and/or intellectual property contributions of any kind or type, including but not limited to time, effort, written or multi-media work product, or personal appearance or likeness, shall be available to iCERT on an uncompensated basis and with a free perpetual license (if applicable). A member shall have no intellectual property rights or any other rights of any kind or type of rights, interest, including but not limited to, copyright, trademark, or service mark in the work product, including but not limited to, written document, multi-media product, or any other efforts of an iCERT Committee, Working Group, or of iCERT itself.  Unless otherwise noted, a member is permitted to reference the posted final work product of an iCERT Committee, Working Group, or iCERT itself, so long as iCERT is appropriately credited and/or referenced.


Representation, as an iCERT member, to any third-party or non-affiliated organization is subject to our representation terms and conditions. 


Your application includes permission to receive all notices of iCERT matters by email, or other means, and to add your email, and all supplied emails to the "Leadership Brief", "Media Brief", and/or other iCERT's Newsletter(s) and/or notices, communication, and publications.  By submitting this form, you, and any colleagues whose emails are provided at any time, are consenting to receive marketing emails from: and/or via our email and/or website vendor. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the Unsubscribe link found at the bottom of every email.  You also consent to use of your name and logo free of all copyright, intellectual property, and/or any other restrictions and/or costs of any kind. 


iCERT Management and/or the Officers and/or Board of Directors of iCERT reserve the exclusive right to modify any/all terms of membership at any time, and all decisions related to membership rights, rules, and membership dues by iCERT Management and/or the Officers and/or Board of Directors of iCERT are final.   


* Limited engagement benefits apply to the Entrepreneur and Associate Memberships and exclude these member classes from voting in association-wide ballots and from receiving pro bono market reports provided to general membership. Other limitations may apply.


Important New Benefit included with your iCERT membership - March 2020

Terms and Conditions - Deltek/GovWin Leads Program


Deltek/GovWinIQ, the leading government contracting intelligence resource, has created a new platform just for iCERT.  Our members will receive a daily report with direct links to public sector opportunities.  These are requests for information and new solicitations that could be waiting for your products and services.  Furthermore, this daily (Tuesday thru Saturday)  except standard holidays) report will be filtered on unique opportunity descriptions provided by iCERT's members.  This is a great benefit that allows our members to pursue new sales and build relationships that might otherwise go undiscovered. 


Please note the terms and conditions for this program:

  1. It is only for paid active iCERT members. If your membership dues / invoice is open [ex., new membership] or unpaid/past due, you will not receive information. iCERT reserves the right in its sole and exclusive discretion to make this determination.

  2. It is prohibited to share information with individuals or organizations who are not qualified iCERT members (per these Terms and Conditions). Violation will result is loss of program participation. We are only able to archive information for approximately 30-days, per the Deltek/GovWinIQ platform. You are responsible for archiving / retaining any information you receive.

  3. We ask for one (1) email, noted above, to receive the daily spreadsheet. We can only send to one email address per member, and provide only one format for the data in the raw form that we receive it. iCERT is not responsible for transmission errors or delays on your end for receipt or action with the data. You are responsible for any data conversion, sorting, and/or analysis that you wish to do. There may be some continuation or duplication of data during multiple data deliveries. You are responsible for reconciling such information. If you encounter data corruption or other error, please contact so we can pass along for investigation / repair by Deltek/GovWinIQ.

  4. iCERT has a limited term master agreement with Deltek/GovWinIQ. There is no guarantee we will continue the program and may terminate the program at any time without notice.

  5. It is currently a free service to members. No separate fee / charge for service. However, iCERT reserves the right to convert this program to a paid service that would require fees / charges in addition to relevant dues. This service has no cash value equivalent and does not impact your membership level / dues (i.e., declining the service does not lower membership dues).

  6. Every member in the program will be emailed the same once-daily data file (file is sent the next day after each day's business intelligence has been gathered - Tuesday thru Saturday, except holidays). If you encounter an error, or do not receive your daily transmission, please contact iCERT is not responsible for transmission error or delays. You are responsible for extracting those leads that are most appropriate for your organization. You are responsible for any follow-up with the appropriate party(ies) or agency(ies).

  7. We request, or you may provide, updated "key"project descriptions from members from time to time, and will work with Deltek/GovWinIQ to accommodate supplied terms. Submit project descriptions suggestions to executivedirector@ Please note that there is no warranty express or implied that supplied terms will exist in any particular public sector opportunity or data file. You are required to do your own due diligence and/or analysis of the supplied information.

  8. There is no new, original, and/or additional warranty of any kind, express or implied, and/or fitness for a particular use, express or implied, and/or guarantee for activity or success, express or implied, for this program / service as received through iCERT. There are no guarantees or minimums for the quality, content, or relevance of content or sales that may be generated by or through the program. All terms and conditions of use, and warranty terms, if any, and/or fitness for a particular use, if any, as are applicable or excluded from Deltek/GovWinIQ continue to apply. See

  9. This program is not a substitute for other similar Deltek/GovWinIQ programs or services. Such programs may have different and/or additional features. You are encouraged to investigate those programs if they better suit your needs. The iCERT program is provided strictly "as is", and cannot be modified (except as noted above).


That’s it.  We are pleased to partner with Deltek/GovWinIQ to provide this service.

Best of luck as you grow your business.

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Suite 101-166

Washington, DC 20036


Commit, Collaborate, Create

- The "Three C's" of iCERT


"iCERT" is a Registered Service Mark of the Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies, Inc.


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