For the first time, attendees at IWCE24 experienced the transformative potential of the PSAP of the Future. The feedback we received was incredibly positive regarding both the exhibit set-up and, just as important, the content. This could not have happened without the ten iCERT member companies listed below who saw the vision, believed in the concept, and provided the needed financial backing and technical content to make the PSAP of the Future a reality. Thank you! A huge thanks also to all involved in the planning and developing of the exhibit: Morgan Sava, Carly Burgmeier, and the MCP team; Randy Mansfield, who designed and built the exhibit; Erin LeMoine, Donny Jackson, and the Informa/ IWCE show team; and of course the iCERT team. Please visit the PSAP of the Future page to learn more about this innovative experience.
