Our nation and our communities face increasing challenges that require the most effective emergency response systems possible to keep our citizens safe. Addressing these challenges requires the development and implementation of emergency response solutions that leverage new and emerging technologies widely used by U.S. consumers, such as mobile 5G, IoT, Cloud, and AI, as well as solutions uniquely designed to meet the mission critical needs of public safety agencies. iCERT supports State and Federal policies that promote the development and widespread adoption of advanced emergency response technologies, works with other associations to deliver on stakeholder requirements, and will seek to advance policies that achieve the objectives listed.
Increase Funding for New Technologies
iCERT will actively support efforts to increase funding for advanced emergency response systems that leverage new and emerging technologies.
Increase Technological Innovation
iCERT will actively work to increase innovation in the emergency response ecosystem by promoting public policies that usher in more advanced and resilient products, networks, and solutions, and we will work with the public safety community to address associated human resource opportunities and challenges.
Promote Open Standards & Interoperability
iCERT will actively support the use of open technology standards and efforts to improve interoperability across the entire emergency response ecosystem.
Protect Against Cyber Threats
iCERT will work with its members, Federal, State, and Local government agencies, and affected stakeholders to promote cybersecurity practices that protect emergency response systems against cyber-based attacks.
Promote Competition
iCERT will work to promote pro-competitive policies that ensure all competitors are treated fairly and equitably without regard to size or other factors.