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18th Annual Honor Awards & Tech Fair

April 13, 2021 NG911 Institute's Annual Events

March 15, 2021

The Annual 911 Honor Awards Reception honors the heroes and leaders of the 911 community.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Wesley Wright (202) 434-4239 NG911 Institute Announces 18th Annual 911 Honor Award Winners The event will feature speeches and appearances by multiple Congressional NextGen 911 Caucus Members, public safety leaders, and industry professionals. Washington, DC - The Next Generation 911 Institute (NG911 Institute) is pleased to announce the winners of the 18th Annual 911 Honor Awards:

  • Industry Professional: Kevin Murray, Mission Critical Partners

  • 911 Public Safety Professional: Steve McMurrer, ENP, DPSC, Fairfax County, VA

  • Government Leader: Gerald Jakulski, DHS, Washington, DC

  • NG911 Awareness: Amanda Lindgren, El Paso-Teller County, CO

  • Outstanding 911 Call Center/Program: Louisville, KY Metro Emergency Services

  • Carla Anderson Heart of 911: Bob Bloom

  • Citizen(s) in Action: Joshua Martin, McKenzi Vail, and friends

“Hundreds of millions of 911 callers every year rely on the dedication and cooperation of our public safety professionals, government leaders and industry partners” said Wes Wright, NG911 Institute Executive Director. “The Institute is honored to recognize just a few of the extraordinary individuals that have dedicated their lives to aiding those in need, putting the safety of others above all else. They are the reason our nation’s 911 system is the gold standard for emergency response.” About the 911 Honor Awards Reception The 911 Honor Awards reception is an annual event to honor 911 heroes and leaders. The Co-Chairs of the Congressional Next Gen 911 Caucus (Reps. Eshoo and Hudson and Senators Burr and Klobuchar) and other Members of Congress and federal government officials will join 911 leaders from across the country. The awards reception will be live streamed on Tuesday, April 13th at NOON EDT.

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