2 - year term as one of two permanent representatives on the Committee
May 8, 2020
Congratulations to Erik Loberg, VP with long-time iCERT Member, GeoComm, for his selection to represent iCERT on the ICE Steering Committee. @_GeoComm@911NENA911 This 2-year term begins May 2020.
ICE Steering Committee:
The Steering Committee is charged with planning and executing a series of Industry Collaboration Events in support of the overall NENA NG9-1-1 Project and is governed by the NENA NG9-1-1 Industry Collaboration Events Governance and Process document. This body deals primarily with setting the direction and expectations for the events. It is composed of representatives of all major stakeholder groups and is empowered to create committees as it sees fit. Current Members:
Bill Mertka, Chair - NG9-1-1 Vendor
Jason Horning, Vice-Chair - NG9-1-1 User
Terry McLarty - NG9-1-1 Vendor
Michael Smith - NG9-1-1 Vendor
Kevin Rohrer - NG9-1-1 User
Erik Loberg - iCERT
Dave Sehnert - iCERT
Brandon Abley - NENA Staff
April Heinze - NENA Staff
Brooks Shannon - Chair ICE 9 Planning Committee
Bill Roche - Vice-Chair ICE 9 Planning Committee
TBD - Chair ICE 7 Planning Committee
Patrick Voigt - Member ICE 7 Planning Committee
Ray Paddock - NENA Development Steering Council
TBD - NENA Development Steering Council
Wolfgang Kampichler - EENA
Ron Bloom – NENA Board of Directors Liaison
Delaine Arnold - NENA Committee Resource Manage