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SMART Act Would Fund NG911 from C-Band Spectrum Auction Proceeds

Senate Bill 3246

January 28, 2020 Washington, D.C.

On January 28, 2020, Senators Kennedy, Schatz, and Cantwell introduced S.3246 the Spectrum Management and Reallocation for Taxpayers (SMART) Act, which would give the FCC the authority to conduct a public auction of C-band spectrum within a year of issuing rules for reallocating the band.

The bill would designate $6 billion for a newly established C-Band Reimbursement and Implementation Fund, in which up to $5 billion of auction proceeds would go towards C-band incumbent relocation expenses and $1 billion of auction proceeds would be allocated as incentive payments to the satellite operators. After three years, any amounts unspent from the C-Band Reimbursement and Implementation Fund would be transferred to a newly established Digital Divide Trust Fund.

The bill would also ensure that up to $12.5 billion of auction proceeds are deposited in a newly established NG-911 Trust Fund and that $5 billion of auction proceeds are deposited in the U.S. Treasury.

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