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iCERT Advocacy Update: NG911 Funding Legislation

Earlier today, the Energy & Commerce Committee (E&C) of the US House adopted the amended HR 3565 - the Spectrum Auction Reauthorization Act of 2023. This bill is substantially similar to the bipartisan/bicameral end of year agreement that was reached last December, often referred to as the “four corners agreement,” which would reauthorize the FCC’s spectrum auction authority for three years (it has now been lapsed for over two months) and directs spectrum auction revenues to fund several critical programs, including NG911. iCERT has been in constant communication with E&C committee members and staff throughout this year, urging them to move the agreement language from late last year. We are pleased the committee has taken the initiative to keep the momentum going on this important issue by voting HR 3565 out and moving it to the full House.

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