The iCERT Board Acknowledged Their Significant Contributions to the Organization's Success

December 7, 2021
The Board of Directors has issued awards "in recognition of dedicated service and leadership" to Kim Robert Scovill, Executive Director - Emeritus, and Kathi Scovill - Business Manager, for their roles in the past and continuing success of iCERT, the Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies, Inc.
The Scovills responded with "sincerest gratitude" for the unexpected statement, and expressed how honored they were to be of service to iCERT, and to the public safety industry. The Board also provided a generous contribution to Renne's Rescue, a pet sanctuary and adoption program in Delaware, an organization supported extensively by the Scovills.
Kim and Kathleen served in their respective roles at iCERT from 2018 until October 2021 when George Kelemen was selected as the next Executive Director. In November 2021, Drew Preston joined iCERT as the new Membership & Public Affairs Manager. Mr. Scovill has continued supporting iCERT and its membership through the leadership transition.